Virtual Lattice Field Theory Colloquium Series

Begun during the COVID19 pandemic, when many conferences were cancelled, the virtual lattice field theory colloquium is intended to provide postdocs and graduating students a venue in which to reach a broad international audience.

Colloquium Speakers 2025

Date Speaker Title Recording Slides
February 6 TBD,TBD TBD Zoom recording Slides
March 6 TBD,TBD TBD Zoom recording Slides
April 3 TBD,TBD TBD Zoom recording Slides
May 1 TBD,TBD TBD Zoom recording Slides

Colloquium Speakers 2024

Date Speaker Title Recording Slides
February 15 Matthew Black, University of Siegen, Germany Gradient Flow Renormalisation for Meson Mixing and Lifetimes Zoom recording Slides
March 14 Roland Farrell, University of Washington, USA Quantum Simulations of Hadronic Scattering in the Lattice Schwinger Model Zoom recording Slides
April 18 Theodore Jacobson, University of California, Los Angeles, USA Applications of the modified Villain formulation Zoom recording Slides
May 9 Dimitra Pefkou, University of California, Berkeley, USA Gravitational form factors from lattice QCD Zoom recording Slides
Summer hiatus
Sept 12 Andrea Bulgarelli, University of Turin & INFN, Italy The entanglement entropy of gauge theories: new methods and new results Zoom recording Slides
Oct 10 Joshua Crawford, The University of Adelaide, Australia Transverse force distributions in the proton from lattice QCD Zoom recording Slides
Nov 7 Sofie Martins University of Southern Denmark, Denmark Composite Higgs from an SU(2) gauge theory with two fundamental flavors Zoom recording Slides
Dec 12 Zi-Yu Wang, Peking University, China Lattice study of two-nucleon weak transition matrix elements Zoom recording Slides

Colloquium Speakers 2023

Date Speaker Title Recording Slides
Feb 9 Benoit Blossier, LPT Orsay, France Fulfill students and researchers with disabilities in scientific fields: a lucid hope [Nomianted by the Lattice Diversity and Inclusion Committee] Zoom recording Slides
Feb 23 Alessandro Lupo, University of Edinburgh, Scotland Multi-Representation Dynamics of SU(4) Composite Higgs Models: Chiral Limit and Spectral Reconstructions Zoom recording Slides
March 9 Réka Vig, University of Wuppertal, Germany Topological features of the deconfinement transition in quenced QCD Zoom recording Slides
March 23 James Ingoldby, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy Lattice gauge theory at the conformal window edge: EFT descriptions and Composite Higgses Zoom recording Slides
April 6 Antonio Smecca, University of Turin, Italy Inclusive semileptonic decay rates of B-mesons from lattice QCD Zoom recording Slides
April 20 Laurin Pannullo, Goethe University Frankfurt Inhomogeneous phases in NJL-type models via lattice field theory Zoom recording Slides
May 4 Yang Fu, Peking University, China Lattice QCD Calculation of the Two-Photon Exchange Corrections in Hydrogen-like Atoms Zoom recording Slides
Summer hiatus
September 14 Rose Smail, University of Adelaide, Australia Constraining beyond the Standard Model nucleon isovector charges Zoom recording Slides
October 12 Christopher Kane, University of Arizona, USA State preparation in quantum simulations of lattice gauge theories Zoom recording Slides
November 9 Jorge Baeza Ballesteros, University of Valencia, Spain Meson-meson scattering at large Nc Zoom recording Slides
December 7 Yukari Yamauchi, Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington, USA Machine learning for sign problems in lattice field theory Zoom recording Slides

Colloquium Speakers 2022

Date Speaker Title Recording Slides
Feb 3 Andrew Jackura, Old Dominion University, USA Few-Body Dynamics from the Finite-Volume Zoom recording Slides
Feb 17 Simone Bacchio, The Cyprus Institute, Cyprus Precision results directly at the physical point with Twisted Mass fermions Zoom recording Slides
March 3 Judah Unmuth-Yockey, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA Studying holography for the Ising model on hyperbolic lattices Zoom recording Slides
March 17 Hersh Singh, University of Washington, USA Qubit regularizations of quantum field theories Zoom recording Slides
March 31 Gen Wang, Aix Marseille University, France Proton momentum and angular momentum decomposition with overlap fermions Zoom recording Slides
April 14 Shohini Bhattacharya, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA First lattice study of twist 3 functions from quasi-PDF approach Zoom recording Slides
April 28 Jamie Karthein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Lattice QCD Susceptibilities as Correlators of Conserved Charges Zoom recording Slides
May 12 Marco Garofalo, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany Scattering from generalized φ4 Zoom recording Slides
Summer hiatus (unless most summer conferences are cancelled again)
Sept 22 Pia L. Jones Petrak, University of Münster, Germany On the decomposition of hadron masses: Sigma Terms of the Baryon Octet in Nf=2+1 QCD with Wilson quark Zoom recording Slides
Oct 6 Daniel Hackett, Masachusetts Institute of Technology Gravitational structure of the nucleon Zoom recording Slides
Oct 20 Sebastian Burri, Universität Bern Pseudoscalar transition form factors and pole contributions to HLbL at the physical point Zoom recording Slides
Nov 3 Fabian Joswig, The University of Edinburgh Towards hadronic D-decays Zoom recording Slides
Nov 17 Evan Owen, Boston University, USA The Modular Ising Model Zoom recording Slides
Dec 1 Marianna Sorba, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA), Italy Low-energy results in the Ising model: in and out of equilibrium Zoom recording Slides

Colloquium Speakers 2021

Date Speaker Title Recording Slides
Jan 28 Davide Giusti, University of Regensburg, Germany Adding QED to QCD with the advent of precision Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics Zoom recording Slides
Feb 11 Kadir Utku Can, The University of Adelaide, Australia Compton amplitude on the lattice via the Feynman-Hellmann theorem Zoom recording Slides
Feb 25 Raghav Govind Jha, Perimeter Institute, Canada Probing holographic dualities with lattice supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories Zoom recording Slides
March 11 Indrakshi Raychowdhury, University of Maryland, USA Towards quantum simulating non-Abelian lattice gauge theories Zoom recording Slides
March 25 Neill Warrington, Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington, USA Path Integral Contour Deformations for Lattice Field Theory Zoom recording Slides
April 8 Gregoris Spanoudes, University of Cyprus, Cyprus Gauge-invariant renormalization of energy-momentum tensor on the lattice Zoom recording Slides
April 22 Kimmy Cushman, Yale University, USA Exploring composite dark matter with lattice field theory Zoom recording Slides
May 6 Alejandro Vaquero, The University of Utah, USA Probing the Standard Model with flavor physics: an exclusive determination of |Vcb| from the B → D* ℓ ν semileptonic decay at non-zero recoil Zoom recording Slides
May 20 Vincenzo Afferrante, University of Graz, Austria Gauge invariant spectra of SU(2) theories with BEH effect Zoom recording Slides
June 3 Nikhil Karthik, College of William and Mary & Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Laboratory, USA Imprints of symmetry-breaking at short-distances: quark structure of pion in QCD and QCD-like theories Zoom recording Slides
June 17 Jesus Gumaro Rendon Suzuki, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA Semileptonic decays of Λb's to negative-parity baryons Zoom recording Slides
July 1 No speaker - pre-lattice pause
July 15 No speaker - pre-lattice pause
July 29 No speaker - Lattice 2021 Conference website
August 12 No speaker - post-lattice pause
August 26 Lena Funcke, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada Lattice computation of thermodynamic observables with machine-learned generative models Zoom recording Slides
Sept 9 Finn Stokes, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Germany Sub-percent determination of the hadronic vacuum polarisation contribution to the muon g-2 from the BMWc Collaboration Zoom recording Slides
Sept 23 Joao Pinto Barros, University of Bern, Switzerland The Non-Perturbative Quantum Vortex in the (2 + 1)-d O(2) Scalar Field Theory Zoom recording Slides
Oct 7 Simran Singh, University of Parma, Italy Studying the Lee-Yang edge singularities on the Lattice (QCD) and aspects of thimble regularization of Yang-Mills Zoom recording Slides
Oct 21 Tyler Blanton, University of Maryland, USA Extracting the 3K scattering amplitude from the lattice & generalizing the quantization condition Zoom recording Slides
Nov 4 Anthony Grebe, MIT, USA Moments of the Pion Light-Cone Distribution Amplitude from the Heavy-Quark OPE Zoom recording Slides
Nov 18 Dorota Grabowska, CERN, Switzerland Applying Quantum Technology to Problems in Particle Physics Zoom recording Slides
Dec 2 Felix Erben, University of Edinburgh, UK Scattering and resonances from lattice QCD using distillation Zoom recording Slides
Dec 16 Joseph Karpie, Columbia University, USA Studying systematic errors on lattice PDFs Zoom recording Slides

Colloquium Speakers 2020

Date Speaker Title Recording Slides
April 23 William Jay, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA Precision Flavor Physics and Lattice QCD Zoom recording Slides
May 7 Fernando Romero-López, University of Valencia and IFIC, Spain Exploring the ’t Hooft limit of meson observables Zoom recording Slides
May 21 Jana Günther, University of Regensburg, Germany QCD thermodynamics from imaginary chemical potential Zoom recording Slides
June 4 Philipp Scior, University of Bielefeld, Germany Supersymmetry on the lattice Zoom recording Slides
June 18 Casey Berger, Boston University, USA Circumventing the sign problem with complex Langevin in lattice field theory Zoom recording Slides
July 2 Ruairí Brett, The George Washington University, USA From two to three-body systems in lattice QCD Zoom recording Slides
July 23 Aurora Scapellato, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland Nucleon PDFs and GPDs from lattice QCD Slides
July 30 Marco Cè, CERN, Switzerland The hadronic contributions to the running of SM couplings from lattice QCD Zoom recording Slides
August 13 Gurtej Kanwar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Lattice ensemble generation using machine-learned generative models Zoom recording Slides
August 27 Bipasha Chakraborty, University of Cambridge, UK D to K semileptonic decay from n_f = 2 + 1 + 1 lattice QCD with physical light quarks Zoom recording Slides
Sept 10 Anton Trunin, Samara University, Russia Topology and axions in QCD Zoom recording Slides
Sept 24 Nikolai Husung, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Germany Logarithmic corrections to a^2 scaling in Lattice QCD Zoom recording Slides
Oct 8 Francesca Cuteri, Goethe University, Germany Insights into the QCD phase diagram in/from sign-problem free setups Zoom recording Slides
Oct 22 Yin Lin, University of Chicago, USA Staggering Nucleon Matrix Elements Zoom recording Slides
Nov 5 Jian Liang, University of Kentucky, USA Chiral Symmetry and Nucleon Electric Dipole Moment from Lattice QCD Zoom recording Slides
Nov 19 Vera Guelpers, University of Edinburgh, UK Isospin Breaking Corrections to Leptonic Meson Decays Zoom recording Slides
Dec 3 Tim Harris, University of Milan Bicocca, Italy New strategies to compute the hadronic contribution to muon g-2 from lattice QCD Zoom recording Slides
Dec 17 Marc Illa, University of Barcelona, Spain Lattice QCD input for baryon-baryon scattering and interactions in effective field theory Zoom recording Slides

Suggest Speakers

Click here for the speaker suggestion form

Suggested speakers should be primarily postdoctoral researchers and senior graduate students. Suggestions of female or underrepresented minority speakers are particularly welcome.

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Talk reminders, abstracts, and Zoom links for each talk will be distributed via the mailing list.


The colloquium series is organized and hosted by the MIT lattice group: Phiala Shanahan, Will Detmold, and John Negele, and local postdoctoral researchers. Please contact us with any questions, suggestions, or comments (with the exception of speaker suggestions which are accepted via the form above).